Internet for All

Internet for All

Person who invented the internet never assumed this in his dream that internet become so significant to everyone, due to smartphone every hand is full and every head is down, but still internet has actually become a “trend setter”. Any information regarding anything is now in distance of a click. This will never possible without the lower rate by internet providers.

internet for all

Every telecom company knew the strategy of lowering the rate is higher in demand, in the recent time internet is the hottest topic, every single stream social, environmental, academic, corporate, media or political are attached to the internet.still there is a space for the argument. Is this much access of the internet is adequate for everyone. Still internet is not reaching to every hand there is still a room for doubt. Slow internet due to internet traffic or low quality by internet providers. This problem is generally nowadays, so we got to have a solution, broadband or satellite internet are expensive but high speed,

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The demand of todays world is high speed internet, so every internet provider should start thinking about satellite internet on cheap price so the internet will be quantity with quality
The internet is not only connecting people with the world or entertaining, the internet is one means which is exploring the every field.
This is a techno-era, so demanding for high speed internet on cheap price is not an inane idea. Where most of the country is enjoying the free access WiFi all over. If the internet service provider takes this on serious node they also find it essential and promising. As the future of the internet is lying somewhere in their hand. Somehow the youth is techno-savvy, so they spend quality time on a laptop, PC or smartphone. Simply they are the targeted audience for the companies, so this is the high time to think of satellite internet all over on lower price.

So the future of the internet will be satisfactory which support the education in developing countries specially wherever the need exits plus we can use internet as positive tool and make it beneficial for the whole world.

This vision of the future must be lie in eye of everyone, but this will possible only when we make a positive move towards the thinking of high sped internet and draw every one attention toward the the low quality internet problem we are facing every day which is still unnoticed.

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